The 2024 taxes are now delinquent unless half payment was made before the deadline.  If half payment was made then second half payment is due by April 1, 2025.

Drop Box -24-Hour Drop Box Available on West Side of Courthouse (Flag Pole).

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your County Treasurer, Buddy Anderson.


  • Pottawatomie
  • Buddy Anderson, Treasurer
  • Location of Treasurer's Office:
  • PO Box 3069, Shawnee, OK 74802-3069
  • Phone: 405-273-0213
  • Fax: 405-275-8644
  • E-Mail:
  • Office Hours: Monday thru Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

WELCOME TO THE Pottawatomie county treasurer WEBSITE!

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The Pottawatomie County Treasurer is an elected constitutional officer with a four-year term whose primary function is to collect taxes certified by the County Assessor from the assessment valuations placed on real estate, personal property, and public utilities within Pottawatomie County.

After collection, the Treasurer disburses the moneys to the county, cities, towns and schools according to budgets approved by the Pottawatomie County Excise Board. The County Treasurer is the official custodian of all funds for the County and Treasurer for schools and vo-tech institutions that do not have their own treasurer.  Currently, our office is Treasurer for Dale, Earlsboro, and Pleasant Grove School Districts.

All warrants and vouchers for all Pottawatomie County departments are registered and maintained through the Treasurer's office.

Tax collections are balanced on a daily, monthly, and year-to-date basis, which allows the investment of funds to be made with more accuracy. All special assessments, such as sewer, water, weed, cleaning, paving, and nuisance abatement taxes that are originally assessed by cities and towns in the County are certified to the County Treasurer for collection after they have become delinquent. They are placed as a lien on the real estate property account of the taxpayer.

The Treasurer's office also manages Pottawatomie County-owned property acquired at the annual sales of real estate for delinquent taxes. The Treasurer also may sell these pieces of property, upon approval of the Board of County Commissioners.  For a current list of county-owned properties, please view the Commissioners Sale Page.


November County Assessor Certifies the tax amounts to be collected.
Mid-November Current Tax Statements are Mailed and Become Due and Payable.
December 31 Last Day to pay full amount or one half payment of Taxes Before becoming Delinquent.
December 31 Is the due date for taxes paid by mortgage companies. Mortgage Companies must pay the full amount due.
March 31 Last Day to pay Second Half payment of taxes before becoming delinquent.
Mid-April Delinquent Personal tax statements are mailed.
End-May Delinquent Personal taxes are published in Newspaper.
Mid-May / First of June Publication for the Resale to be held the 2nd Monday in June.
Second Monday in June Tax Resale all accounts have 4 years of delinquent taxes.
Mid-July Delinquent Real Estate tax statements are mailed
First & Mid-September Publications for the Lien Sale for current delinquent Real Estate taxes to be held the first Monday in October.


While the Treasurer's office makes every effort to ensure the correctness of this website, any error contained herein does not constitute a waiver of any tax amounts by or for the County Treasurer's office or the Taxpayer.