Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Am Express;
2.95% Convience Fee (1.95 minimum).
Most Debit Cards $3.95 flat rate. (Fee Adjusted after debit card # entered)
Fees are charged by Credit Card Processor and not the County.
Please note our mailing address has changed:
PO Box 3069, Shawnee, OK 74802-3069
(Postal Service will only deliver to po box)
Fedex and UPS Deliveries: 309 N. Broadway Suite 108, Shawnee, OK 74801
If paying online, it is the responsibility of the taxpayer to ensure the correct payment information is entered. A $35 fee will be added for all returned payments.
Banks/Mortgage Companies: Please ensure you are paying the correct tax account as we will not refund Banks or Mortgage Companies that pay on the wrong account.